Thursday, August 20, 2009


Flaxmeal can be a welcome addition to your low carb lifestyle. It has an almost nutty taste and is reminiscent of whole grain flour without the gluten and carbs. It can be used as a flour sub in recipes like these Orange Spice Flax Cookies.

You can find more of my cookies and other recipes at DARdreams.

Flaxmeal is very sensitive, so care has to be taken with it. It can go rancid in as little as a week at room temp, so it is wise to store it in the refrigerator or freezer until you are ready to use it.

Whole flax seeds are pretty stable, but their valuable nutrition isn't available until they are ground, so it is a good idea to grind your own flaxmeal. It's easy to grind your own flax seeds with a coffee grinder, blender, or food processor.

Flax seeds and flaxmeal are pretty easy to find in stores, especially those with a health food section. You can also order them online.

Netrition carries both flax seeds and flaxmeal.

Amazon also carries a variety of flax seeds and flaxmeal, including in large amounts.

Remember to check prices, including package sizes and shipping charges (if any). If you find your flaxmeal to be bitter, it has gone rancid and should be thrown out. When fresh, it should have a pleasant taste and smell.